Why.. what's the reason??
Most of the time.. we've questioned God... WHY?? Lord why do I have to feel this pain? Lord why does it always have to be that bad? Lord why do I feel so alone? Why did it happen to me? Why?? I know I don't have the right to question the Lord about the things happening in my life, He is omniscient the all-knowing God, that is why we can't help but ask Why????...
People always say "all things happens for a reason ..." we've heard of that several times already but what is the reason?? Is that reason of fate? a reason of one's destiny ??Or God's reason for your life? I am a firm believer that all things fall to it's places... it happens for a reason. But because of the past experiences I have encounter, I realize that it could'nt be of fate or destiny...
Yes... God has His plans for everyone, He knows what would happen in your life even before you where born. We know we're fully in control of our own lives, because God gave us "free will" but it is funny that we would sometimes feel so out of control. .
How we choose to spend our days is ultimately up to ourselves..our choices. Accept job offers, make a career move, shift courses.. these are all choices that we make every moment of the day. It sounds so simple, isn't it? However all actions and decisions we choose or we made in our lives eventually lead to a reaction, a result of our action which we often mentioned as consequences... To react is to be human. If a bad decision has been made, you cannot correct it anymore, you would be aware of the consequences though.. you will suffer and endure it's consequences...
I realize that we are part of the reason for the things that's happening to us, it is not by chance, it's something we freely choose to do that lead us to whatever we are experiencing right now.
There's an intervening hand to lead you in the direction you're supposed to go, that is the hand of God...And its up to you if you want to follow or take the lead.
You're responsible for your successes, failures, and mistakes because you are the one deciding for your own life.
Often times we need to made mistakes to be able to know and learn what's right from wrong, and that is how we grow... but if you repeat the same mistakes you've made in the past, that is stupidity.
The true reality in life is unexpected, sometimes tragic and obstacles can often hinder and even throw us off the paths we have envisioned for ourselves. It hurts to know that the plans you have for your life is not falling into places...
Yes, indeed everything happens for a reason but we are all apart of the reason for all those things to happen, because we let it happen.... . How we choose to spend our days is ultimately up to ourselves, how we ask for guidance is up to us, God is always there we know that He know's what's best for us but its our choice to either follow Him or take lead of our own lives...