
"Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in my field, since the payment is pure love. " ~Mildred B. Vermont

Having time for myself doing the normal things I usually do would be next to impossible. Just like what they said..once you're a mother "normal" is history. Uninterrupted sleep, a long bath and having a long chitchat alone with my husband is a luxury...I may be in my pajamas all day long, messy hair and clothes... and looking fresh and clean would always be an effort for me, I could either be covered with milk spits or drools but I've never been happier!

One smile from my little angel would make all the hard part meaningful. I am so blessed He is the reason why I look forward to each day! Waking up with little boy next to me, wide-eyed staring, and smiling every time he wakes ups it really is something to look forward too..... Now I know and understand how my mom feels about me and my siblings. I feel so blessed and loved that God gave me the opportunity to love and take care of a little angel who makes me smile despite of the things that we've been going through.. God is really Good


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